About KönigOut­door

KonigOut­door is a sophis­ti­cat­ed high-end solu­tion for out­door liv­ing. Com­bin­ing lux­u­ri­ous sin­tered stone sur­faces with a durable weath­er­proof struc­ture, our goal is to pro­vide the func­tion­al­i­ty and aes­thet­ic of an indoor kitchen, outdoors.

Each KonigOut­door kitchen is made to order, allow­ing you to design your dream out­door kitchen with­out com­pro­mise.

Entertain in Style

  • beautiful outdoor kitchen work surfaces

    Work Surfaces

    Every kitchen is sup­plied with a match­ing 12mm thick sin­tered stone worksurface.

  • back panels for freestanding outdoor kitchens

    Back Panels

    A sin­tered stone back pan­el can be added to freestanding kitchens. Plus, all burn­er units have a vent­ed back pan­el to allow air flow.

  • End panels for your outdoor kitchen

    Side Panels

    Sin­tered stone end pan­els pro­vide a smart solu­tion when the end of a unit is visible.

  • overhangs on work surface to create a bar area


    Extra deep over­hangs of 250mm can be spec­i­fied on any set of units to pro­vide a styl­ish bar-style seat­ing area for your guests.

  • drawers in outdoor kitchen to create convenient storage


    An inter­nal draw­er can be added into the 450 or 600 unit in place of the stan­dard shelf, to create convenient storage.

  • Choice of plinths for your outdoor kitchen


    Plinths come in a black gran­ite fin­ish as standard. Match­ing sin­tered stone plinths are also available.

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  • Linear outdoor kitchen layout

    Linear with Overhang

    Simple linear layout with overhang for bar seating area.

  • L-shaped outdoor kitchen layout


    This shape enables you to incorporate a bar area with space for a grill and pizza oven.

  • Mulit-unit outdoor kitchen design

    Multi Unit

    Flexible combination of two sections to suit larger garden spaces.

  • U-shaped outdoor kitchen layout


    Large sociable layout enabling friends to gather whilst you cook.